About Us

This blog is created for the purpose of fulfilling the requirement of our course, SP208 Health Psychology. We are students from UCSI University, Malaysia. There are five members in our group, which include:

Name: Cha Tong Weng (Wing)
Age : 20
BA (Hons) Psychology
Year 2 Sem 3

Name: Lau Jia Yee (Joey)
Age : 20
BA (Hons) Psychology
Year 2 Sem 3

Name: Tong Wah Xin (Vivian)
Age : 20
BA (Hons) Psychology
Year 2 Sem 3

Name: Kho Jia Xin (Carson)
Age : 21
BA (Hons) Psychology
Year 2 Sem 3

Name: Yeoh Hui Ying (Vionna)
Age : 20
BA (Hons) Psychology
Year 2 Sem 3

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